Regular Lighting Grip 112 cm

Lightning Grip Regular 112cm


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Lightning Grip Regular size available individually or why not have us apply it for you before shipping. The Regular Grip size measures 112cm and suits the player that favours a shorter grip or for use on smaller size Hurleys. Lightning grip is fast becoming the grip of choice amongst Hurling and Camogie players. Lightning Grips also come is a 160cm Extra Long Option

Regularly changing your hurls grip is a great way to aid control in play. We recommend updating your hurleys grip once to twice per month, depending on the level of use.

Sold in a large selection of colour options making it easy to customise your new L’Ash Go Leor Hurl

Lightning Grip By Lee Sports 

Additional information

Weight N/A
Reg Lightning Grip

BLK €4, BLK/GLD Applied €6, BLK/GRN €4, BLK/GRN Applied €6, BLK/PNK €4, BLK/PNK Applied €6, BLK/WHT €4, BLK/WHT Applied €6, BLU/WHT €4, BLU/WHT Applied €6, GRN/BLK €4, GRN/BLK Applied €6, ORG/BLK €4, ORG/BLK Applied €6, RED/WHT €4, RED/WHT Applied €6, WHT/BLK €4, WHT/BLK Applied €6, YLW/BLK €4, YLW/BLK Applied €6


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